
Jack Aranda

“I have never felt so peaceful and calm. Getting over my trauma was not the biggest task, the bigeest task was realising that i had a trauma and a whole personality developed around it that i did not know who i was without it. Thankyou Power Hour for helping me get through it and discovering […]

Allie Grater

“I have never felt so peaceful and calm. Getting over my trauma was not the biggest task, the bigeest task was realising that i had a trauma and a whole personality developed around it that i did not know who i was without it. Thankyou Power Hour for helping me get through it and discovering […]

Ashton Howard

“I have never felt so peaceful and calm. Getting over my trauma was not the biggest task, the bigeest task was realising that i had a trauma and a whole personality developed around it that i did not know who i was without it. Thankyou Power Hour for helping me get through it and discovering […]

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